If you have an ideal shape and color in mind, bring a few reference photos with you to your consultation. You may fill in your eyebrows as you normally would so we can take into consideration the shape you desire.

​If you regularly get your eyebrows shaped, waxed, threaded or tinted, please do so at least three days before your appointment. If  there are any stray hairs that fall outside of our final shape, we can remove them.

​If you plan to go on a vacation, it is recommended to plan your trip a minimum of 14 days after the procedure.

​We require our clients to avoid any blood thinning medication for a minimum of 72 hours prior to their appointment.  This includes: Vitamin E, Aspirin, Niacin, Fish oil supplements and Ibuprofen.

Do not drink alcohol the night before or day of your appointment, and limit the amount of caffeine you consume.

​If you have been on prescription Accutane in the past, you MUST wait at least one year before considering this procedure.

It is highly recommended that you avoid sun and tanning bed exposure for 30 days BEFORE and AFTERyour procedure.  If you show up for your appointment with a new tan or a sunburn, you will need to reschedule.  As your skin exfoliates from sunburn, it will take the pigment with it.


Aftercare is crucial for retention of your new eyebrows. Remember that patience is the key!

Day 1- Wash your brows with the soap provided in your aftercare package. Create a lather with the soap and water, blot the soap to cleanse, and rinse well. Blot to dry and apply aftercare ointment.

Week 1- Use a small rice grain sized amount of the aftercare ointment provided daily. Apply as needed to keep the brows from drying out. No exercise, sweating, hot baths, steamy showers, swimming, direct sun exposure, spray tanning or tanning, moisturizers, cleansers and makeup on the brow area.

Week 2- You may gently wash with a sensitive cleanser and allow the brow area to get wet in the bath or shower. Continue using the aftercare ointment as needed. Remember to not apply cleanser or ointment in a circular motion as this could prematurely pull any of the flaking off. You may or may not be completely done peeling. If so, please wear sunscreen to protect your fresh skin.

You will see the color resurfacing up to week 5 as your skin naturally exfoliates. Please let us know if you have any questions. See you soon for your touch up!